Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Finished RbYAML on GSoC

After about four months job, I almost finished the goal of rbyaml for GSoC 2008.
Really thanks my mentors Xueyong Zhi and Ola Bini. They helped me a lot on technical stuff and requirements from community. It's my first opensource project, a pretty fantastic experience.
Now, rbyaml supports more YAML1.1 standard and compatible with more YAML1.0 standard than before. The default rbyaml interpreter is for YAML 1.1. You could also use YAML 1.0 interpreter by require 'rbyaml_1.0'.
But the goal which totally compatible with Syck is still on the way.

Although GSoC is finished, but I will still go on working on rbyaml for improving and maintenance, and I also hope I could contribute to more and more opensource projects. I think that's the most important goal of GSoC, that more and more developer contribute for opensource projects, isn't it?

The future direction of rbyaml seems should be as following.
1. Syck Compatibility,
2. YAML new standard supporting, that include 1.1 and 1.2(still in drafts),
3. Should work well on Rubinius, Ruby1.9 and XRuby, etc.